My Rihanna

My Rihanna

Wednesday 14 September 2011

ma picture

Chest to chest, nose to nose Palm to palm, we were always just that close Wrist to wrist, toe to toe Lips that felt just like the inside of a rose 

I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday

welcome to my life..... usually....time to update blog....feel so boring today...anyway...nak ckap cket...ak bru jerk tuka phone.
phone bru ak BlackBerry bold..dpt jgk rasa pkai BB...hehehe...but...tis time i have 2 phone..bukan ap...
yela...hidop skg bkn nye mcm dlu2...skg ni hdop bz tiap ngn assgnmnt lah...class lah...2tion la...
huh...pas tu rmai yg call la...mcg la...tye ni la tu la...make me dizzy damn! dgn lecture yg mg alwys mcg kt ak psal class n assignment...Plus, nak call my mum lg...2 la ni la....Hah!! thats y ak gner 2 hndphone skg....sng cket...BB 4 my fwends...mcg...calling2...BBM...yg SSony tu plak...4 my parrents and my lecture...
hahaha...mybe with try tis way,,,Hdop akn lbey tratur cket kot...Tp tgok mcm same jek!!! damn!..ok la...nakbg tw...those who wearing BB...can i hve ur BB pin please.....hehehehe....hahahahahahahaha
Sajer je...Bleh Kter BBM...bru nk try.....lpas ni plak...ak nak cari la...cartoon cover phone 4 my BB.....
eeeeeeeee mzti cute nnt kan????sajer jer nak ckp even x follow owg pon dlm blog nih...heheh!!;p

Tuesday 13 September 2011

MY 1st PoSt......

E N R I Q U E  E Z O N E  N A V Y
  HyE....! My nAmE MuhD iZwAn...a.k.a EnRiqUE eZ'OnEz nAvVY

 TiS Is mY 1St TiMe creAte bLoG....I'm NeW HeRe.....eMmMm......suCh a BorInG BloG Kan???...hEhE....
AnYway bukan my claSS habes awal....which is dari pukul 1o.3o~until~12.oo....sO without wasting my time...ak pun try Someting new lah...HeHE...makIng a BORED bloG.....hahahahaha....from my college...straight to my hostel...Also known as KIBLAH....hehehe,,,msok bilek...tukar baju...bukak lappy....connect Maxis broadbnd...trus try buat blog....haha..;p  biler boring cket,,,bkak fb....haha,,,,,,,,,,,
actually ak xtaw nak ckp anyone from u yang visit my blog...jgn mengater plak yer...hehe yele....
ak  baru je buat blog...haha,,,,,pendek kater baru blaja buat blog lah (!) haishhhh(!)..........
hemmmmm ok la guysss....smpai sni jer cuz assignmnt mlambak x buat lg....baru teringat....nanti klaw free..ak updte blog ni yerh,,,,,bye...